File is already open. There was a problem saving the print file. The printer may be off or disconnected. The printer connection is closed. The printer write request is too big. A printer request is already active. There's a bad printer connection. There are no free printer control blocks. Resource file attributes disallow this operation! Resource attributes disallow this operation! An attempt to remove a resource failed! An attempt to add a resource failed! A resource file was not found! A resource was not found! Memory is full! A read/write occurred for an offline drive! This is not a Macintosh disk! A bad drive number was encountered! The volume is not on line! A parameter list error occurred! The file is busy! The volume is locked! The file is locked! The disk is write protected! A file was not found! There are too many files open! Memory is full or a file won't fit! An end of file occurred! I/O error! The disk is full! The directory is full!